Susanna Robar Ministries
Dwelling Safe in Christ our Lord . . . Psalm 91:1
Speaking/Teaching Topics & Formats
What can I do to help?
Speaker/Teacher Process
Step 1
Choose a Topic:
1. Victim/Survivor:
Post Trauma Self-Care
2. Student/Campus Talks:
Relationships that Heal &
Attachments that Hurt
3. Community Awareness:
The ChildWise © Project
Step 2
Choose a Format:
1. 8-12 Week Group
2. Workshop Arrangement
3. Seminar Style Presentation
4. Guest Speaker/Presenter
5. In-Service Training
Step 3
Email your choices:
Or Call:
Groups That Have Heard This Message:
The Church On The Way, Van Nuys, CA Various groups
The Church At Rocky Peak, Chatsworth, CA
San Fernando Valley Baptist Women's Assoc., Canoga Park, CA
PathwayCF Church, Northridge, CA
First United Methodist Church, San Fernando, CA
The Little White Chapel, Burbank, CA
Avenues Pregnancy Clinic of So. CA., Glendale, CA
Women's Club of Burbank, Burbank, CA
San Fernando Valley Girl Scout Council, Reseda, CA
Burbank Community Association, Burbank, CA
The Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work Conference, by Second Chance, Toledo, OH
Stop The Pain Teen Summit, by The Positive Results Corp., Dominguez Hills, CA
Magnolia Park Methodist Church, Burbank, CA
Groups That Have Heard This Message:
Human Hope 2012 World Conference, Los Angeles, CA
The 2012 Human Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work Conference, by Second Chance, Toledo, OH
2013 Freedom Summit, Fremont, CA
2014 Stop The Pain Teen Summit, by The Positive Results Corp., Dominguez Hills, CA
2015 Global Human Trafficking Conference, Los Angeles, CA
2015 Care18 - FIAT, Pomona, CA
2015 LA Freedom Walk, Los Angeles, CA
Proverbs 9:9
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;
Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
E-mail: volar@socal.rr.com