Susanna Robar Ministries
Dwelling Safe in Christ our Lord . . . Psalm 91:1
Relationships: Friend or Foe?
Sometimes the line between a secure relationship and a dangerous relationship becomes blurred by past events, enabling the offensive treatment of people in situations where the abusive behavior may not be easily
recognized or identified by the victim.
Secure Relationships are:
Mutually Motivated
Friendships that Heal
They are Observed as:
Complimentary: Praiseworthy
Reciprocal: Give-and-Take
Open: Honest
They Make the Other Person Feel:
Glad and Joyful
Confident and Assured
Dangerous Attachments are:
Power Motivated
Attachments that Hurt
They are Observed as:
Demeaning: Degrading
One-sided: Controlling
Invading: Isolating
They Make the Other Person Feel:
Sad and Angry
Powerless and Helpless
Becoming aware of how any conduct is seen
will give a clue to the real differences:
How does it make the other person feel?
What is the outcome of the conduct?
The answers to these questions will help us to be
able to determine the differences between friend and foe.
Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth,
but what is good for necessary edification,
that it may impart grace to the hearers.
E-mail: volar@socal.rr.com