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ChildWise © Tips

The ChildWise © Program was developed by Susanna Robar in 2010. ChildWise © is meant to educate parents, teachers, and other child caregivers with the necessary means to help protect our children from sexual predators and traffickers.

The following tips are an introduction to this program:


  • Avoid "secret-keeping" within the family. A familiarity with keeping secrets leaves a child vulnerable to people who want to harm them.

  • Be open to talk about your child’s questions & be ready to respond to their comments about their body. All children need to be given appropriate language by a parent to discuss these issues with a parent. Openness stops "the secret" mentality.

  • Let your child know that no one may touch their private areas, except in your presence & in times of receiving needed care.

  • Empower your children to say “No!” in uncomfortable situations. It is something they can do to feel more secure and to be more secure.

  • Encourage your child to tell you and/or another trusted adult about people or situations that make them feel uncomfortable. This gives children a greater sense of safety.

  • Make these times of open discussion with your child a part of your regular habit rather than reserved for rare events.




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Matthew 19:14-15

Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.' And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.



© 1998-2023 Susanna Shutz Robar                

Purple~Heart Press

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