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About Us

Robert L. Robar & Susanna Shutz Robar

God's Call

It was in 1998 that Susanna began what was to become the hallmark of her life: to extend the healing hand

of Jesus Christ to others who have also been traumatized by sexual violence.



Wanting to assist those seeking help and healing from sexual trauma, and to give back to her community, Susanna applied in a volunteer capacity at a local rape crisis center. She felt a stirring begin deep within her heart; she knew she needed to do more than her initial volunteer offer.



Susanna completed the necessary program hours in order to become a Certified Rape Crisis Advocate for the State of California. She then enrolled in the Project Date Program at the crisis center, becoming a public speaker within the local Christian community and for other interested groups.



Continuing to follow the call of God on her life, Susanna educates others regarding the role that we all hold: helping to create a safe haven for victims of sexual violence, and protecting all children who are within the immediate realm of our influence.



Susanna Robar Ministries is dedicated to the careful dissemination of specific educational materials regarding the issues of sexual violence, the common effects created by sexual violence within our families and our communities, and the solutions within our reach.



Through workshops, seminars and short-term courses, RapeSpeaksOut! delivers instructive presentations that educate all groups - including parents, teachers, pastors and other child caregivers - toward a common awareness that will: discourage sexual violence, encourage healing from sexual trauma, and create safer communities in which to live, work and play.


Susanna was born in Southern California in 1945. After graduating from local schools and the University of Redlands, she married Robert Lee Robar in 1967.



Robert, a retired Los Angeles City Fire Captain II, and Susanna, a retired Spanish teacher, have five children (two children are with the Lord); three adult children and four grandchildren all reside in Tennessee and Southern California.




Cottey College for Women, Nevada, MO




B.A., Spanish~Physical Education

University of Redlands, Redlands, CA




Lifetime Standard Secondary Teaching Credential

State of California #28123

University of Redlands, Redlands, CA




Rape Crisis Advocate Certification & Project Date

Valley Trauma Counseling Center, Van Nuys, CA




Graduate Certificate in Christian Ministry

The King's University, Van Nuys, CA

Psalm 91:1

 I shall not die, but live,

and declare the works of the Lord.

© 1998-2023 Susanna Shutz Robar                

Purple~Heart Press

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